The Days, They are A’Flyin’!

I promised blog content once a week, and, two months into this year, I’m definitely having trouble with this goal. I blame life, though. It’s crazy! Each time I think there will be a moment to breath, the moment is over before I exhale.

But, I hate excuses.

Instead, I’ll just launch right into what’s been going on around here.

My medicine (for my psoriatic arthritis) finally came last week after a month long ordeal with deductibles, copays, etc. Maybe you know how it is. I took my first set of injections last Friday, and am feeling better. I hope, after all the trouble I went through to get put on this medication, it’s “The One.” I would really like to get back to being thirty-something, instead of feeling like an old lady. There’s things I want to do. Like, go for walks. I’m not fussy.

I’ve done very little in the way of knitting. I made a dishcloth. Yep. Knitted a single dishcloth. It’s very nice looking. See?


Instead of knitting, or sewing, or blogging, or drawing, I got a little distracted. By Bullet Journaling. I saw one video about bullet journaling, and I thought, “I need that. I will be SO organized if I got a bullet journal.” Then, I spent a stupid amount of money on a Moleskin softcover dotted notebook, a set of colored papermate pens, and some gel highlighters.


I’m not all that great at using it. Like most things, I forget I have it. I’m flakey like that. If you want to learn more about Bullet Journaling–it’s all the rage right now–a Google search will direct you at others who have been doing it a while.

Spring is almost here, and I feel like it’s time to do my annual Declutter/Purge-a-thon. Last year I spent a lot of time doing the KonMari Method for declutter. I love Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. It’s a little kooky, but I love kooky. I’m not a big shopper–(ignore my bullet journal shopping spree story mentioned above)–but I still accumulated enough “stuff” to warrant another decluttering. Which is just fine. I love organizing things. It makes my brain happy. I still haven’t gotten around to organizing my craft room/office. Which is why I’m typing this on my laptop in the dining room. The space in there is so messy, it’s distracting. Maybe I should start there? It’s such a small room, though…it definitely might possibly (maybe) need some purging….for some reason, my hobbies are the hardest things to whittle down. Maybe because this is the one area in which I spend money without thinking. All those supplies and materials make me feel smothered and trapped. I tell myself, “I’m going to make Marcy a dress,” then buy the pattern, the fabric, the notions….and it sits. And sits. And sits. But because it’s there, waiting, it holds me back from sewing other things. And, this is a real example. I have an actual Hobby Lobby shopping bag with neatly folded fabric, matching buttons and ribbon, as well as a pattern for a toddler dress, sitting right next to my sewing machine. It has been sitting there for almost a year. I don’t even think the pattern would work for Marcy, anymore. She outgrew the dress I didn’t make! So, that’s gotta stop. There. I’ve made my decision. My craft room/office is THE FIRST room to be organized. (And, I’m aware the KonMari method doesn’t go by room, but by theme, but, since the room only holds one theme, I think I’m fine.) So, we start there. Maybe, once this room is done, I can get back to doing those things I wish I were doing, like drawing, writing, knitting, reading, etc, etc, etc. I often think I’d get to these things if I had more hours in a day, but it’s not time holding me back. It’s the clutter.


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